Scientyfic World

DNS Lookup Tool | Website IP Checker

Quickly find the IP address of any website or domain.

IP addresses for

IP address Type Hosted by Location

Question and response

Google DNS
Control D
Local DNS

A records

IPv4 address Revalidate in 5m 5m

AAAA records

IPv6 address Revalidate in
2606:4700:3032::ac43:ae33 5m
2606:4700:3032::6815:1ef2 5m

CNAME record

No CNAME record found.

TXT records

Site ownership verification

pxuL8yD1AGSPLv54U Dq233lccQkoBiK7_dCz PbbaL1o
Revalidate in 5m

SPF record

This record is valid for 5m.

include the SPF record at
pass if the email sender's IP is in the A or AAAA records a
pass if the email sender's IP is in the MX records mx

NS records

Name server Revalidate in

MX records

Mail server Priority Revalidate in

Other records

Start of authority Email [email protected] Serial 2363117247 Refresh 2h 46m 40s Retry 40m Expire 168h Negative cache TTL 30m

AAAA records

Last 10 Domains Analysed

Test Done Domain Test Result Link

What is a DNS Lookup Tool?

Website IP Checker is a powerful online tool designed to help users quickly and easily find the IP address associated with any domain or website. Whether you’re troubleshooting network issues, verifying server configurations, or conducting security checks, this tool provides essential information about a website’s IP address and DNS records. It’s also useful for SEO professionals and developers who need to analyze server locations or ensure proper domain configurations.

This tool supports both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, ensuring compatibility with modern internet standards. Additionally, it provides detailed DNS-related information, such as A records, AAAA records, MX records, and more, making it a comprehensive solution for all your domain analysis needs.

How does the IP Checker work?

Using the Website IP Checker is simple and straightforward. Follow these steps to get started:

  1. Enter the Domain Name or URL:

    • In the search bar provided, type the domain name (e.g., or full URL (e.g., you want to analyze.

  2. Click “Check IP”:

    • Hit the “Check IP” button to initiate the lookup process. The tool will query global DNS servers to retrieve the IP address and related DNS information.

  3. View the Results:

    • Within seconds, the tool will display the following details:

      • IPv4 Address: The primary IP address used by the domain (e.g.,

      • IPv6 Address: The modern IP address format for the domain, if available (e.g., 2606:2800:220:1:248:1893:25c8:1946).

      • DNS Records: Includes A records (IPv4), AAAA records (IPv6), MX records (mail servers), and other relevant DNS entries.

      • Additional Information: Such as TTL (Time to Live), server owner, hosting provider, and geographic location.

Features of this Tool

The Website IP Checker is packed with features to make your experience seamless and productive:

  • Free to Use: No sign-up or registration is required. Simply visit the page and start using the tool immediately.

  • Multiple DNS Servers: The tool queries multiple global DNS servers to ensure accurate and reliable results.

  • Download Results: After performing a lookup, you can download the results in TXT or Markdown format for easy sharing or documentation.

  • Additional Data: Beyond IP addresses, the tool provides:

    • TTL (Time to Live): Indicates how long the DNS record is cached.

    • Server Owner: Identifies the organization or company managing the server (e.g., Cloudflare, Inc.).

    • Hosting Provider: Reveals the hosting service used by the domain (e.g., Amazon Web ServicesGoogle Cloud).

    • Geolocation: Shows the approximate physical location of the server.

Example Output

Here’s an example of what the tool’s output might look like for the domain

  • Domain:

  • IPv4 Address:

  • IPv6 Address: 2606:2800:220:1:248:1893:25c8:1946

  • DNS Records:

    • A Record:

    • AAAA Record: 2606:2800:220:1:248:1893:25c8:1946

    • MX Record: (for email servers)

  • TTL: 300 seconds

  • Server Owner: Cloudflare, Inc.

  • Hosting Provider: Cloudflare

  • Geolocation: United States